Make America Great Again Committee Founded When

Political leanings: Republican

2020 total spending: due north/a

Sometime President Donald Trump established the Save America political action group in Nov 2020, just days subsequently he lost the presidential election to Joe Biden.

Salve America is a so-called leadership PAC, which is a commission frequently formed by members of Congress or other political figures to support other candidates for federal and nonfederal offices. "Leadership PACs are designed for two things: to brand coin and to make friends, both of which are crucial to ambitious politicians looking to accelerate their careers," says OpenSecrets, a nonpartisan research group that tracks money in U.S. elections.

The PACs can too be used to fund expenses, such as travel, that cannot be covered by campaign committees or congressional offices, OpenSecrets says.

Relieve America says information technology is nigh "edifice on" the accomplishments of the Trump administration while "supporting the brave conservatives who will ascertain the time to come of the America First Motion," the Republican Party and the country.

Since forming, information technology has received $124.iv million in contributions — with over $85 million of that coming in 2021. As of February. 28, information technology still had more than $110 million on manus, co-ordinate to its most recent filing with the Federal Ballot Commission.

Almost $31 million of its 2021 booty came via transfers from the Salvage America Articulation Fundraising Commission — a collaboration with the Make America Great Again PAC, another Trump-affiliated group — which raised about $71 meg terminal year. Relieve America likewise received almost $54 meg from the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, which is a separate joint fundraising partnership between Save America, Make America Great Again PAC and the Republican National Committee. That joint committee pulled in over $29 million in 2021 to add together to the $60 million it had in the banking concern at the end of 2020.

However, despite its massive reserves, Save America has donated just $205,000 to 41 House and Senate candidates running for role in 2022. The relatively small amount is at least partly attributable to entrada finance rules that limit how much the PAC can give to federal candidates, which is a maximum of $five,000 per candidate.

Those who have received donations include Trump allies in Congress, besides as several primary challengers to Republicans who voted to impeach or convict Trump for his role in the attack on the U.S. Capitol in Jan 2021. For example, Save America donated to Harriet Hageman, who is challenging Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming; Joe Kent, who is challenging Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington; John Gibbs, who is challenging Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan; and Kelly Tshibaka, who is challenging Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.

In addition, Save America has contributed nearly $150,000 to more than than two dozen state-level candidates — some in cardinal states where Trump lost to Biden.

In Georgia, it donated $5,000 to David Perdue, a former U.Southward. senator whom Trump has endorsed in the GOP master in the gubernatorial race. Trump criticized Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, who is up for reelection, because he did not support Trump's efforts to overturn the land's 2020 elections results in Trump's favor. In a argument announcing his endorsement of Perdue for governor, Trump claimed that "Brian Kemp has failed Georgia."

Also, Save America gave $vii,000 to Rep. Jody Hice, another Trump-backed Republican, who is running for Georgia secretary of state against Republican incumbent Brad Raffensperger. In an infamous Jan 2021 phone call, Trump urged Raffensperger, the top elections officeholder in the country, to "find" plenty votes for Trump to be declared the winner in Georgia.

But its largest contributions so far were made to the America Get-go Policy Found, a conservative policy think tank founded in April by former Trump aides, and the Conservative Partnership Institute, a group started in 2017 past former Republican Sen. Jim DeMint of Due south Carolina. Mark Meadows, Trump'due south one-time White House chief of staff, joined the Bourgeois Partnership Institute equally a senior partner in January.

Save America donated $i million to both organizations.

Meanwhile, the leadership PAC has spent nigh $eleven.iv million on operating expenditures, which include payments for items such as legal consulting, polling, issue staging, travel and payroll. Notably, its expenses include over $1 million for online ad on Facebook, where Trump is suspended from posting until at least 2023. That ban does not apply to Trump-affiliated groups, a Facebook spokesperson told Politico.

Every bit for staff, veteran Florida GOP strategist Susie Wiles is Save America's CEO, and Taylor Budowich, a spokesman for Trump, is its communications director.

Eric Branstad and Alexander Latcham, political operatives from Iowa, joined the PAC equally senior advisers in August. Branstad worked on Trump'south campaigns, and Latcham was previously employed by the Trump White House equally a policy adviser.

Update, Apr 14: In belatedly March, Save America contributed $500,000 to Get Georgia Right PAC, a conservative super PAC that opposes the reelection of Gov. Brian Kemp. In early on April, Get Georgia Right PAC began ambulation a Telly ad that claimed — without proof — that, considering of Kemp, "widespread illegal ballot harvesting" prior to the Jan 2021 Senate runoffs elected Georgia's two Democratic U.Southward. senators.

Correction, April 14: Rep. Jody Hice is a U.South. congressman for Georgia, non a representative in the Georgia state House of Representatives.


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